Organizing events of all kinds

Organization of events of all kinds Our company undertakes the organization of events of all kinds such as product presentations, openings, fashion shows, concerts, exhibitions, etc. We create ideas - concepts and realize them at the lowest cost on the market, but with impressive results, both during, as well as after the event. We undertake the most comprehensive promotion, as well as the multifaceted communication of the events to the media. Each event has its own criteria and requirements, which is why our company with its experienced partners has the flexibility to merge each new experience with the sole purpose of making the most of it. So, in general, we undertake the following: Care of the event space and organization of its contributors for the best and most efficient performance. Availability of models for the promotion of the promoted product or company that we undertake. Sending press releases to announce the event in all forms (newspapers, magazines) and the most important radio stations. Sending invitations to a personal VIP clientele of about 1000 people from the political, artistic, sports, business sphere (when it is an open event). Sending invitations to a clientele with people from the media which is constantly renewed. I advise and manage the advertising campaign for the maximum and most economical media exposure of the event (e.g. finding communication sponsors). Sending press releases after the end of the event (follow up), with reference to the success it achieved, the most important people who attended, the surprises that occurred, to all the printed media (newspapers, magazines) and to the most important radio stations.