A specially staffed department is the public relations department, press office, constantly supporting every promotion proposal of the clients.
Our staff is in constant contact with the press of Athens, the province and abroad to promote every idea. We write and publish press releases for each event, constantly keeping the client up to date, building a solid and strong image in public opinion. We present and publish the proposals of the companies creating access to the executives for press, radio and TV interviews.It undertakes the design and printing of advertising forms, as well as special editions. It fully organizes the presence of its customers in industry exhibitions (stands, equipment, models, etc.) It introduces and executes programs, events and in general activities aimed at publicity, either for persons and executives, or for programs. Handles simple public relations tasks on behalf of clients, such as e.g. sending greeting cards, gifts, thank-you notes, etc. Monitors the daily political and financial press and special publications, in order to inform about activities that will be of direct or indirect interest, e.g. presentation of competitive products or companies, participation of clients in professional exhibitions, etc. Undertakes the organization of Press Conferences for the presentation of a project, a study or the undertaking of a program.
Apart from HR, the department also has:
- Business and professional directories
- Complete media directories
- Lists of foreign correspondents
- Public Services and Banks
- Foreign companies in our country
- Clientele